Knowing what to sow in the kitchen garden in May is pretty easy since it’s such a busy year for sowing and growing. Often it might seem by this point in the year that you have missed a chance to sow or that you are too late, but there are very many different vegetables and salads that can be sown in May for an abundant harvest. So as the seeds you have already sown will be growing at quite a pace as the weather warms up, make sure you have plenty of crops even going into Autumn by sowing in May.
1. Brassicas
Don’t panic if you haven’t sown your cauliflowers, broccoli, cabbages and sprouts yet because you can still sow them in May to be able to harvest plenty by the end of the year. They can be sown undercover in a greenhouse or warm windowsill, sown directly if you have good weather and even planted in an area temporarily until other crops have finished. You can then move them to their final growing space.
2. Squashes
Pumpkins and Courgettes can be sown during May, and they will grow at quite a pace in the sunny, warm weather, all ready for you to plant out in June. Pop the seeds in individual modules, water, label and watch them grow. You’ll be pumpkin carving in no time!
3. All the roots
Rows of Carrots and Beetroots can be sown outside during May, plus Turnips and Swedes as well. Deter carrot root fly by sowing them in a raised bed or making sure they are covered with fine mesh.
4. Sweetcorn
You can sow your sweetcorn outside during May, right where you want them to grow. Don’t forget to sow in a block/square formation, which helps them to pollination properly. Give them some protection from pests and late frosty weather with some fleece or cloches.
5. Salads
Keep sowing your cut and come again with lettuce, spinach and any leafy greens. This is successional sowing meaning that you will be able to harvest a continuous crop for as long as possible throughout the year.
6. Microgreens
These can be sown at any time of year and will pack a nutritious punch to your cooking in just a few weeks after sowing. Sow seeds such as sprouts, radish, beetroot, herbs and much more, just allowing them to grow no taller than 10cm before you harvest them. That small sprout is full of nutrition, flavour and looks great as a garnish or put into a smoothie, soups, stews and sprinkled on top of a freshly harvested homegrown plate of Salad.
Don’t miss out on sowing in your kitchen garden. Visit us to find all the seeds you need.