It's National Tree Week next week so get ready to mark it by treating yourself to a new tree for your garden from the great range in our garden centre.
Everyone can grow a tree: even if all you've got is a balcony you can enjoy container-grown 'Minarette' apple or cherry trees, just a few feet tall but incredibly productive. In small gardens, go for trees that stay compact yet really earn their keep with a long season of interest. Snowy mespilus (Amelanchier lamarckii) is ideal at 8-10 metres tall, with frothy white blossoms in spring followed by purple berries and spectacular autumn colour.
Double your reward with trees which are productive as well as beautiful. Quince trees grow to just 4m, dazzling with big pink blossoms in spring and filling the garden with scent as the pear-like fruit ripen.
And even if your garden seems jam-packed already, squeeze in one more tree by training one against a wall. The ornamental pear, Pyrus calleryana 'Chanticleer', looks wonderful like this, making a handsome green screen dripping with white blossom in spring followed by brilliant autumn colour.
National Tree Week is run by the Tree Council and runs from 24 November till 2 December.